
Showing posts from October, 2018

Game 4

Game 4 missed Nge5 rushed opposite side castling attack w/ many blunders castle queenside next time?

Game 3

Game 3 good use of long diagonal weakened fianchetto on Black's side lots of missed mates (work on tactics) bad beginning

Blitzkrieg 1: Time is of the Essence

Game 1 This game was rather rushed, and I definitely didn't play up to my level. We started with a classic Ruy Lopez in which I accidentally released the tension in the center, giving White a slight edge. I did manage to get a strong queenside expansion, but forgot about my time limit and started running out of time. After trapping my queen, I managed to gain an advantage (two rooks for a queen), but unfortunately I didn't have much time left.

The Chess Journey

The Chess Journey As my 2018-19 true grit project, I am planning to write a daily chess journal about my blitz games, tournaments, and things I learned along the way. Hopefully, as I progress in the world of chess, I will learn many new things and share these ideas with all of you!